Rachel was told to smile or the puppy would get it. So smile she did.
Bored with classwork, Gina and Liz copy down the saucy portions of the New Testament.
Gabi: Pssh! Sean. Sean! What did you get for #40? Just write it on your tie and send it over. It'll reach.
Nicole (internal): Damnit. If they had just waited another 10 minutes I'd be done with my part. I love orange juice.
Angie bought strippers as gifts for all her friends. Everyone liked Angie.
Jen loves pizza. Any rumors, however, that Jen LOVES pizza, are completely unsubstantiated. I don't have pictures in my drawer. Honest.
While Liz thought him a jock, the back of his hat read "=MC2"
Joe: This pizza....tastes funny. Erin, don't you think this tastes weird? Erin? Mr.Boyle, why is Erin chanting in tongues and floating 4 inches off the ground?
Jen went on to a lucrative career as a Dominoes spokesperson.
The pool deck. All the adventure of the ocean, none of the salt. Or animals. Or plants. But hey, that woman in the white is adjusting her bathing suit. That's right, look my fellow perverts.
Gina was on trial defending a woman's right to sit any way she damn well pleased.
Nicole: Do you deny that you were... Rachel: That's a nice skirt. Nicole: What? Oh, thanks, it's...wait. You're distracting me! Rachel: That vest really brings out the color of your eyes. Nicole: Judge! I object to this complimenting! Liz: Hmm. I'm going to allow it.
Moments too late, Joe notices the distinctive smell of sleeping gas permeating the classroom.
Gabi, unsure what her character's motivation was, decides to twiddle her thumbs for the next 30 minutes straight.
Colleen: Wes, if I were to, hypothetically, ask you to kill a hobo for me, what would you, hypothetically of course, say to that proposal?