Ryan and Sean head to Oregon to see what shenanigans Madeline is up to.
MVI 1554
We encounter rain early in our travels. We could have taken this as an omen, but we thought of it as a free car wash instead.
MVI 1581
Math is extra hard with an audience.
MVI 1625
Ryan takes us on a bikeride thru the windtunnel forrest. Do not watch if you have a queazy stomach.
MVI 1627
Ryan tempts fate by recording a movie at night, from his bike, on the edge of a bridge.
MVI 1674
Warning: May contain dancing/singing to a song that prominently uses the word Booty.
The very northern end of California is a demilitarized zone built to keep those Oregon hippies from mingling with California hippies.
Ryan always said a little prayer during roadside pit stops. Said it "pleased the bowel gods."
Seagulls have no respect for signage.
"Alright ocean, it's just you and me now. Let's do this thing."
From the beach where the moon landing was faked.
Ryan demonstrates the no-hands urination technique to show the ocean he means business.
I tried to recreate the Goonies scene where they look thru a hole to discover the location of buried treasure, but all I saw was a tourist, wearing uggs on the beach, waving madly at me.
Nature will fucking cut you.
Ryan insisted that floral herpes is completely treatable.
Once we entered the state of Oregon, Ryan stood on his head to prove...um...ok, I think he was just going for a quick rush.