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Life is random. The milkman is banging your wife.
iPod shuffle.
Anonymous coward - Thursday 27 January 2005 22:53
Life is random. The postman is stealing your porn. iPod shuffle.
Anonymous coward - Thursday 27 January 2005 23:23
Life is random. Your cat isn't the one that's been puking in your shoes. iPod shuffle.
Anonymous coward - Thursday 27 January 2005 23:47
random Life is. is Life random. Life random is. is random Life. Life is random. diop fuslhfe.
Anonymous coward - Friday 28 January 2005 08:34
chris v
Life is kind of random. Not random enough, however, that this babe would ever consider speaking to you. Get over it. iPod suffle away your lonely, meaningless, drab existence, nerdbreath.
Anonymous coward - Friday 28 January 2005 10:02
Anonymous coward - Tuesday 1 February 2005 09:10
chris v
yes, "fish" is random. so are tweezers.