That was written on the van that was pulling this float.
The bi-sexual Street Fighter 2 support group had quite a following this year.
I'm not sure what was scarier; the cheesy inflatable furniture all over this float, or the fact that one of the dancers was freaking a puppet that looked like one of those bird creatures from Dark Crystal.
Pacific Beach United Methodist Church was bringing the exotic trees, flowers and wildlife of the beach to the desolate valley that is San Diego. How thoughtful of them.
They hold hands, not because they love one another, but because the third balloon-holder, Louis, lied about his weight to the helium people and they weren't taking any chances.
This guy is just cool.
No, Stonewall is not referencing something California Gubernatorial candidates do in a debate. But close.
The conspiracy is real! They're trying to convert everyone! Hide your children and pets! If you feel yourself being 'gayed up', drop your drink, head to the nearest bathroom and purge until your heteroness returns!
This was taken moments before the Kodak lady exposed herself to the crowd; revealing her insides and causing her to turn strange colors, ruining her for life.
I knew it!
"So, young man, what brings you to the 'golden years' float? I may not have a lot of money, but I do have a swing. And I don't mean the kind you find on a playground."
'Mr.Butch 2003' wasn't the toughest guy in town, but he was thankful he didn't have to wear wings made of belly lint like the others.
It's true that we all deserve the freedom to marry, but why direct it only at people named Lawrence? Seems a bit exclusive to me. I mean, there couldn't have been more than 10-15 Lawrences in the whole parade crowd.