10th Annual Whiskey Roundup
Whiskey tasting, a potluck, a photo booth, and a bunch of good decisions.
Halloween Party 2009
The candy and costumes come out to play once again. Photos by Sean & Sarah.
Halloween Costume Party 2007
The costumed craziness comes out in full force a few days after Halloween
Pictures by everyone
Poker Nights
The most amateur gambling you've ever seen. And some karaoke just to confuse you.
Halloween Parties - 2004
Various Halloween parties (Oct 29-31, 2004)
Pictures by Sean & Madeline
Hippy Trip 2004 - SB
Phil, Bradley and Annie invade my town and take no prisoners.
Shasta's Birthday - June 2003
Shasta and the gang conquer mexican food, downtown, and virtual dancers.
April Birthday Merger - 2003
So many people had birthdays in April we had to combine it all into one party.
Steve & Andria's Housecooling
5/31/03 - Steve & Andria have one last (and first) party at their pad.
Tiki Party
Andy & Dorothy's Tiki Party - April 2003
Sean's B'day Pool Party!
Aquatic adventures for Sean's birthday.
Pictures by Sean, Steve & David
Tobin's B'day Adventure
July 6, 2002. Tobin and Company get their groove on.