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Rockin' Out 3
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Rockin' Out 2
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Rockin' Out 1
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"Nope, Amy is practically perfect in every way. No faults found. That t-rex isn't nearby, is it?"
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This is about as normal as we got.
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Battle of the tongues.
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We spent about 5 minutes trying to get this shot? Worth it? I think Sarah's expression might say it all.
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Goth Sean emerges.
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It feels a little like a gathering of minor comic book villains.
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Having the photo booth to ourselves for so long, the costume mixing and matching became more extreme.
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Amy: No pictures! Do you know who I am?!
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Alt rock band 'Princess Fiona and the Suburban Ransackers'
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Cowboy Bebop looking a little low budget these days.
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I never did figure out who grabbed my butt.