Christine's bracelet held the last feather of the great Peacock King that she bested in hand to claw combat 3 years ago. It was her most prized possession.
Unbeknownst to Pantea, Sean had sold his tie to one of the Bustamante crew for a handful of magic beans and a Corona.
Pantea didn't know it yet, but her Spanish skills would come in handy when we were later accused of desecrating a sacred shrine and indecent exposure.
Jen didn't know how she was ever going to find a cure for spontaneous molecular discombobulation with all these kids and drunken frat guys running around. The nerve.
Jen: You used that muscle relaxant joke? Really? Ok then.
"The crew told me those stories you guys were talking about are bullshit. One of them also said I'd get to drive the lifeboat if we hit an iceberg. So there, bitches."
Vince: Christine, hold my tie. There's about to be some ultra violence.
Jen left for an hour and returned wearing surgical gloves and carrying a small mysterious ice cooler. When asked, all she would say was that her time was "profitable".
"It's my vacation, and if I want to drink at 7am, I can. It's my vacation, and if I want to wear sunglasses inside, I can. It's my vacation, and if I want to steal Sean's socks and fill them with pudding, I can."
Pantea (thru clenched teeth): You never said how small the room would be. You owe me at least two dozen flowers to compensate. What are you waiting for? Get with the picture taking and then bring me daisies!
Cold loungin'
"I love it when a plan comes together. Mental note: think of a plan where Vince as a mexican wrestler is central."
Sean wasn't phased ordering food in Spanish, as he had perfected 23 different ways to say 'pollo'.
{david caruso impersonation} "Margarita....Mexico-style" YEAHHHHHHHHH! {/csi}
"I ain't going anywhere near that edge. Fuck those birds."