random Life is. is Life random. Life random is. is random Life. Life is random. diop fuslhfe.
Anonymous coward
- Thursday 27 January 2005 23:26
nice one, that's a keeper juan.
the pic and the card.
Anonymous coward
- Thursday 27 January 2005 23:26
Apple leaps light years ahead of its competition by introducing the first computer that can perform a pole dance. No touching.
Anonymous coward
- Thursday 27 January 2005 23:23
Life is random. Your cat isn't the one that's been puking in your shoes. iPod shuffle.
Anonymous coward
- Thursday 27 January 2005 23:21
After all the time Juanvaldes had spent worrying that he wouldn't meet any women at the convention, this came as a huge relief.
Anonymous coward
- Thursday 27 January 2005 23:18
Jobs likes his butterflies served only two ways. The other? With gravy.
Anonymous coward
- Thursday 27 January 2005 23:04
Is this *the* Juan Valdez? I'd always pictured him to be older and with a mustache. And a mule. And Hispanic, with a penchant for growing commercial coffee beans.
Anonymous coward
- Thursday 27 January 2005 23:00
Damn confusing No Parking and No Stopping signs got me towed.