The cattle. These dedicated geeks got in line for the keynote around 5am. The rain outside was their shower. So the cattle comment wasn't entirely about waiting in line.
Robot John Mayer paused only once during his performance. A tech, equipped only with a bent paperclip, fixed him in no time.
Steve surprised everyone by announcing the new Robot John Mayer.
Steve Jobs: This new Sony HDV is amazing. No no, don't stop talking. Just pretend I'm not here. That's it. Oh yeah. Now give me 'pouty'.
iPhoto picture alignment - digital correction for when you're finally sober
Steve Jobs (off-screen): Hehehehehe. So my wife...nah, it's too easy. I love this feature.
Steve Jobs: iLife 04 was a beautiful merging of products. Not like when you were in college, and you were trying to convince two women to kiss each other. You deserved that black eye dork.
Steve wasn't sure why, but the name Isaac suddenly popped into his head.
It's not water.
Steve Jobs (off-screen): And this is what PC Magazine said about my ass after I faxed them a copy of it. That's right, it's tight. Here, I'll bounce a quarter off it just to prove it to you.