October 2009
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IMG 0065
A wild Elvis appears.
IMG 0210
Ron kept jumping in front of the camera. Focus be damned.
IMG 0070
IMG 0012
Lost a sweater, gained a dog. And are those two brand new drinks?
IMG 0064
Greg's signature move was "choking the pony".
IMG 0039
The Rainbow Killers take no prisoners. Because they're killers. That goes against their ethos.
IMG 0032
Did Amy forget to feed her dinosaur before the party? I'm sure it's fine.
IMG 0147
Some people respond to "say cheese!". Ron likes to pretend each picture taken of him represents another way he can kick someone in the nuts.
IMG 0208
So concerned with Ron's insistence that Amy's head could come unscrewed, Sean didn't see the violence directed at him.
IMG 0040
Ron: Bet you $1000 I can hit that lion at 1000 yards. Sean: You're on, because that's a stuffed squirrel 10 feet away.
IMG 0022
York's musical theater knowledge was vast. But it cleared the room when he belted out the theme to Xanadu followed by the underwater song from Bedknobs and Broomsticks.
IMG 0073
So formal Greg had to wear a tie and take off his glasses.
IMG 0276
Perfect proof that we never coordinated anything. Violence, affection, playfulness, all mashed together.
IMG 0036
An iguana, a t-rex and a Reno blackjack dealer walk into a bar...
IMG 0033
Lem thought it odd that a full sized dog was in the prop box, but it's what she grabbed.