When a naked 70 year old man takes your picture for no reason, people tend to notice. He had to be stopped. We might have lost our appetite, but we gained a pretty nice camera out of it.
Andy: Channel 92 is Space Hoes. Ch.94 is 8 is Never Enough. Ch.97 is Men in Back. Choices choices.
For some unknown reason, all the women enjoyed watching Wes sleep. The men, on the other hand, would soon turn to binge drinking to solve all their problems.
There is nothing funny about this picture.
No transportation, and low on money, Chris and Wes decided male prostitution was their only recourse.
The hotel really is a whole other universe. We hit the universe a couple times on the side and jiggled the rabbit ears and everything was back to normal.
Lora helped herself to some doritos. Shasta helped herself to a hotel painting.
The view was quite breathtaking. Not as breathtaking as it was for those 3 tourists we choked to death, but still...
It was so cold that everyone's pants stuck to the ice cold rock. After a lot of heavy breathing and some vigorous rubbing, everyone was free of their sitting prison. They promised never to speak of this incident again. That's right, I said never.
"I believe that the Tooth Fairy uses her stash to build weapons to use against the Easter Bunny and his minions. Her struggle for freedom is not unlike my struggle to keep smiling. Oh yeah, cheese!"
This is what it looked like off the far end of the skating rink. There were hands of a 30 something woman holding onto those rails, desperately clawing for a better grip as she slipped closer and closer to her rocky demise, but I've photoshopped them out. No reason to obscure the view and depress everybody. Am I right?
This is the view from one of the gondolas we took up the mountain. Yup, that's pretty much it.
The first few times were cute, but after the second hour of YMCA by the Village People, Paka and Shasta's obsession got a little scary.
We yelled at the driver, trying to uncover what happened to e-viper 1-7. He inexplicably sped up.
Traveling to parts unknown, we decided to partake in their exotic cuisine.