This is the bubble lady. Clearly, she is a threat to all peace loving kite enthusiasts. And I'm not too sure about the motivations of 'thumb-sucking kid' or 'lakers fan doing stretches for no reason' either.
They have the strangest uniforms of any business I've seen. But the service is excellent.
Large kite: *sigh* I told you already. I don't swing that way. Find yourself another gust of wind buddy.
Steve Jobs, the aqua-messiah.
John Mayer, who showed up to demo Apple's new GarageBand software, punched his palm under his keyboard everytime Jobs mentioned Jack Johnson. Which, surprisingly, was several times a minute.
Little girl (internal): Uh oh, here comes mommy. She said daddy couldn't buy me any cotton candy. I better hide it somewhere mommy would never look. Oh, I know!
Seconds before this picture was taken, all the kites were huddled together, whispering. I'm onto you kites.
Vortex kite: First her kite. Then...lunch.
Scuba Steve remembers the scene where she slices that guy's achilles tendon.
Apple reveals the secret to their R&D process: trans-dimensional portals.
Juanvaldes gives his approval to an actual card we found on the floor of the expo.
Steve: This thing said 'goodbye' to the competition. Hahaha. Get it? It says 'hello' on the screen, and the opposite of...nevermind. Looks like my joke writer will lose another finger today.
Steve Jobs: iLife 04 was a beautiful merging of products. Not like when you were in college, and you were trying to convince two women to kiss each other. You deserved that black eye dork.
The handy location text in the bottom of the screen was put in place after 48 hungover people thought they were in line for a Green Day concert last year.
A woman nearby was saturating the area with ginormous bubbles. I barely escaped her barrage.