Jess (internally): If he takes another picture of me I'm going to spend my winnings on myself. Or I'll make him buy feminine products. Yeah, that'll do.
Lora, knowing Paka was a sucker for a hug, took the opportunity to palm $5 worth of his chips. Paka, knowing Lora a thief, had licked all of his chips.
Paka: Psst. Hehe. I had these cards stuffed in my shoe the whole time. I think Sean suspects. No! Don't look at him.
Madeline: I've got margarita mix in my hair, don't I? Damnit, this is my 12th birthday all over again.
Paka was intent on spilling wine on his shirt until it matched the walls.
[California] Some would say having the side airbag deploy before you leave your driveway is a bad omen. Jess called it a "free pillow".
Our good friend TiVo decided to tag along on our journey across the country. Just don't call him TiVa. It's a birthmark ok.
Jess standing next to the prettiest building in Hayward. By which I mean it didn't have any graffiti on it.
Jess knew that Oakland was a rough town, but she didn't expect the birds to flash gang signs.
Kayaker on right: Shit. I knew we should have turned left at Albuquerque.
We stood around for half an hour, hoping some fornicators would stop by to show us exactly what "unlawful sex" was.
Surprisingly, they still require customers to wear pants. Just an FYI.
Sean: Wait, I'm pretty sure Clint Eastwood didn't have to run thru hurdles in that movie. I'm gonna go ask that guy, just to make sure.
Sean and Jess enjoy the beach as another couple (left) discusses the "mystery hamsterotica.com bookmark" discovered on their shared computer earlier in the day.
It wasn't until Naomi discovered Farah's membership card to "Cheese Fetishists Worldwide" that anyone understand her huge grin when getting her picture taken.