"Here we have a line of native pine trees. You'll notice directly ahead, a giant wave of acid. Acid?! Oh my god, my eyes are burning! The googles, they do nothing!"
Christine wore reflective glasses to hide her tears of joy. Paka wore orange goggles because...um....he's always dreamed of being a tangerine.
Wes didn't understand why he wasn't moving. He had his boots, Christine was giving him a good push, he should be zooming away by now.
Mickey the forehead biter was right behind her.
Why this guy with the bucket was shoveling chum onto the rink, I'll never know.
Paka's philosophy on life was a positive one. He was positive about his future, about his bowling, and about his abilities. He was also positive he couldn't hold that fart any longer or he was gonna explode.
Wes counted us all to make sure no one was left behind. He was big on sticking together, in fact, he insisted all the female employees stick to him like "flies on shit." What a caring guy.
Gabe had been loyally guarding the keg for four hours before anyone arrived. This seemed to be an hour too long, as he barked and growled at fellow IC employees that approached his "precious cylinder of life".
(30 second exposure) This cow kept mooing at us. I think it wanted us to vacate the premises. Or maybe it was just nosey.
The crowd behind me waiting in line for the keynote. Waldo, apparently tired of always being "found", starts on his campaign to photograph every human on earth.
Billy fancied himself a suave man, a learned man, a man about town. What billy didn't fancy was the fact that Lora was about to show the group pictures of him as a child, naked and screaming on top of an ant hill.
I have no idea what that is in Avery's mouth. Is it a cheetoh? chapstick? gum? her deformed tongue? maybe it's best Sean never finds out. (some time later) Upon further investigation, it turns out the mystery object is a peanut. Avery's former career in the circus pays off once again.
As Andy unwrapped the cheese slices, he mused over his belief that more things should come in slice form. Coffee, mayo, fish, puppies, candy, girlfriends, the possibilities were endless. So Andy decided do something about it; he bought a very heavy mallet.
Avery loves to play the "pass the invisible diaper" game.
Randall: C'mon guys! There is still plenty of Steve to go around! You can tell this guy was an athlete.