Kent and Stephanie have an understanding. He doesn't ask her why she changes hair colors so often, and she doesn't ask him why his wristband says "What Would Screech Do?"
Duck: First one to piss in my pond gets a beak full of fury. Fury I tell you!
Even though I can't imagine why anyone would want an "oregano" plant painted on their shoulder, this woman was more than happy with hers.
"Oh man, I'm so wasted right now. Wait, no I'm not. She served me non-alcoholic beer! I'm calling PETA!"
It's not what it looks like, yet I still have no idea what this is about.
Man: Woah. Those eye jewels are cool. Are they real? Woman: Yes. I sewed precious stones into my eyebrow just for today. Man: Awesome. I once gave myself a prince albert on a dare. But that didn't turn out so hot.
Whatever magic this guy tried to apply to me didn't work. Sure, I woke up next to a giant bunny rabbit and David Copperfield, but that's just how Sundays are sometimes.
The crowd starts to boogie. Or dance fight. I'm not really sure.
The skateboard was his second idea for what to use as a limbo stick.
This was round two in the "how many undergarments can you steal from people and then parade around in before they beat you down" game that they liked to play at every event.
Hoagland Conspiracy shows the crowd what a guitar sounds like. You know, in case they didn't know.
Julia and Ashley examine the handout, backing away slowly as they realize this was the "All Natural, Sweatshop Free, Free Trade, Organ Harvesting" table.
Abby shows Earth Day the unique power of the harp.
The rare "topless violin" performance.
"Ow. This hat is so heavy."