This "float" was entitled: drum major boy, pirate man and that guy with the painted chest at a football game.
We couldn't decide if this was a tricked out golf cart, a cut up buggy, or part of the settlement that Ms.Pacman got in the divorce.
Our fearless leader needed a good swift kick to the pants every now and then to keep him sharp. We were helping him train for his military career. Yeah, that's it.
"Who will give me $20 to kiss this thing? I'll do it you know."
Paka knew the tanlines would give him away eventually, but he couldn't bring himself to tell Shasta he was the daytime Robin. Batman had sworn him to secrecy.
Randall froze the beach ball in liquid nitrogen earlier that day. An unsuspecting Paka never knew what hit him.
Alex: I don't get it. Isn't that how you're supposed to do it? Wait, is that my cat?!
Tobin: Ma tun ez tuck! A wiwwow hep peeas!
2001 (SB) The peeling tree.
The equipment used to create the fairy smuggler pic.
Katie had never seen giraffes mate before. And she wasn't about to forget it.
Catalina at night. From up here, you could hear conversations of people down below. This lead to a rather unscientific experiment in which we calculated the resident to tourist ratio by counting the number of times the phrase 'fucking tourists' was muttered.
Gabi: Mr.Boyle, these mock trial practices would go a lot smoother if we weren't worrying about your wild pet mongoose biting our toes.
Surprises from behind make everyone happy.
The piece of ass (a tasty drink) would soon become part of every activity we did as a group. Some would be quick to blame our decline in productivity on this, but I prefer to blame the crack.