Shasta: I said no pictures! Come here you little paparazzi shit!
Andy had heard that identical twins could communicate through telepathy. With half a container of Cherry Garcia ice cream in his pants, Andy was glad Gina was just his normal sister.
Sean: Look at them, smiling and laughing. What's so funny? Oh right, I just farted.
We had to crest this mountain in our little gondola. It didn't help matters that our gondola operator kept saying "And if you'll look slightly to our left and down about 300 feet, you'll see the remains of the old gondola before we figured out this whole mountain thing."
Ah, so that's what the middle finger is for.
Alex, pointing out that his life insurance policy expressly stated no benefits would be rewarded for "gondola and/or suspended car accidents of any kind", wished he had paid the extra 50 cents to get coverage.
A perfect example of why you should never allow someone to photograph you while dancing.
Steve, a firm believer in the "If I don't see us plummeting to our doom hundreds of feet below, I'll be OK" train of thought, hung on for dear life.
Kash: Milking the cow! Milking the cow! Christine: Adrian! Wes: I can't feel my arms. Sean: Kash, why is your fly open?
20 degree weather didn't agree with Steve. The scorpion Shasta had placed in Steve's glove held similar views.
Christine: I'll catch you....layta.
Andy: Ya put your right hand in, ya put your right hand out, ya put your right hand.....Chris...Chris...your RIGHT hand. Dumbass.
Is it just me or does Lora look way too professional and proper to be out on the ice?
After one too many beers, Lora liked to flail her arms about. Christine was the first casualty, but Sean was wise to her little game.
Sean and Alex had dragged Lora backwards around the rink 3 times already. When they reached the beginning, they patiently waited for her to take back her statement that "Voyager was the best Trek series".