Those matte paintings just keep getting bigger and bigger.
3 people had already passed Melissa while she was sliding down the slow lane.
Right in the middle of an actual argument about directions, Alex and I document the scene, just in case we're asked about it in court sometime later.
The squirrels, however, would make us pay for Steve's hubris.
Steve (to himself): Must not laugh at dangling wiener, must not laugh at dangling wiener....
It's hard to tell, but Sean is advising a group of women on how to cross the waterfall. After 3 of 5 get swept away to their deaths, however, Sean resigns himself to the fact that the 2 survivors probably won't want to go out with him.
The water was so cold it froze Christine's mouth shut. You should have seen her frantically miming for help when the piranha attacked her feet. Oh my, those were good times.
Birds tried to steal our lunch on numerous occasions the third day of our trip. So we killed a bird, stuffed it with regular cheerios (not honey-nut. we're not monsters), and placed it back on a branch. We could think of no better warning to future flocks.
Christine's slide into the water was made more interesting when Andy threw sand in her eyes "for luck".
Paka had never seen chipmunk testicles that big before.
Steve, upset with the incoming storm and nature's steep inclines, decided it was time for payback.
We never could decide if Steve was trying to surf the mountain, use sign language, or if he wanted to give Andy a real big hug. We didn't stick around to find out.
While Melissa slept well, she couldn't shake the feeling that there was a reason she dreamt of elephant testicles all night.
Steve didn't know why, but he felt compelled to obey the elbow and thigh of authority (far right).
Breakfast was awkward as Alex had accidentally witnessed Melissa reattaching pieces of her face in the tent earlier that morning.