2001 (SB) Rockclimbers: Yes, yes we are.
The fountain in which all the people who tried to use paint were unceremoniously drowned.
Frohike would never wear a hat like that.
Paka: Are you looking at my lens? Are you?! Billy: This PS2 game is REALLY realistic!
Jess and Jen promised a random woman on the boat that they'd be friends forever if she bought them some beer. They didn't really think she'd do it. Sheesh, some people are soooo gullible.
Our hacking powers came in handy when Sean installed Quake III on the bowling hall machines.
Jen had been meditating until I took her picture. She claimed that I stole her soul when I did so. Then I held out my hand and taunted her with "Got your soul!" until she broke down and cried. Ah, those were the days.
Tobin was so focused on getting his revenge that he didn't notice the slow chocolatey leak he'd spouted from his right ear.
(30 second exposure) Orion. With pesky "moon flare".
Steve: ..and these are the first strike MS targets. Nuclear weapons will be fired within the hour. Don't worry folks, we're not downwind.
Jen, who had attempted to remove the Lilo figurine's tubetop, was met with an unpleasant electric shock. Disney's "anti-sex" devices to the rescue once again.
Billy: Is she laughing at me? Shasta: Well, you are standing in a puddle of your own urine. Billy: Your point being?
Billy: *gulp* Is that what I think it is? Alex: I dunno, but my hotdog just got bigger.
Paka: Alright Masi. When I let you go, you run over to the bbq site over there, grab their steak, and bring it back to me. Got it?
Every activity seems suspicious when you take the picture from behind a tree. Even putting on socks. If that's what he was really doing.