Andria's impersonation of a pony on meth was dead on. Not that she's ever fed drugs to a pony before. No. That'd be wrong.
This woman apparently missed the memo banning Three Amigos colors from being worn along with high heels. Some people have no respect for the classics.
These are confetti eggs smashed against your friend's head. Any questions?
Little Girl: I'm sorry, I'm out of candy. You'll have to get it at the store like everyone else you cheapskate. Oh, and you got crap in your hair.
These are confetti eggs.
Woman with camera (quietly): There's a young man back there taking pictures of our children. Take him out back and shred his pervert arm into a confetti egg. The others: Yes godmother.
It turns out that, much like chickens, eggs cannot fly, no matter how hard you throw them upwards.
The Citrus Girls, seen here, just one day after lead dancer Claire got released from the Betty Ford Clinic.
Paka: Yeah doc, my friend just swallowed another confetti egg. Can I put you on with her so you can tell her they aren't edible?
Loz Zorros, the notorious band of candy thieves from Carpinteria, flaunt their disdain for authority by participating in the fiesta parade.
The older mariachi was being paid by the hour, and these young-uns were walking way too fast for him to be able to afford that adult-sized guitar he'd been eyeing.
The confetti egg business seemed innocent enough; until we noticed the phrase 'You have the ebola virus! Go to your egg vendor for the cure.' written on each tiny piece of confetti.
Woman: I bring you peace! Ok, so it's just shredded paper, but you simpletons don't know the difference. Peace for all!
Alex: Oh, was that my hand? Sorry. I thought I was pinching my own ass. You understand.
The belly lint hat craze finally sweeps into Santa Barbara.