This new aliens species, deciding to be a bit more civilized, digs out from inside your stomach with a spoon instead of their teeth and claws.
Mike TV didn't know why he was here with these mexican kids. Or why he hadn't aged in the past 40 years. But he did know that if his mom withheld another Wonka royalty check from him, it'd take more than a candy bar to settle him down.
Alex: 8-ball, corner pocket. Cue ball, side pocket. Wow, this makes me want to play some pocket pool, if you know what i mean. Eh, eh?!
Fiesta, the only time besides Halloween when the baby/adult mutants come out to play.
Jen was used to Alex's antics, but the full body checking he was administering to each bar patron may be taken the wrong way by some.
Kid Cowyboy: What the...Dad!!! You told me I was getting the turbo model. This thing couldn't gallop its way out of a paper bag!
Having had enough of dive bars, we headed out to the next logical place for our fiesta filled evening: the bowling alley.
Mother: Son, did you...did you just lift up my skirt? Don't look away and act all innocent. Mommy can find a date her own way, thank you very much.
Monk daddies; because making/drinking whiskey for 30 years can cause you to forget a few things you might have done.
Paka (internal): It's good to still be the king.
Baby: I said no pictures lady! Bruno, do something terrible.
Alex's offer of marriage to the bouncer was soundly rejected when his 'engagement egg' was unceremoniously smashed on his head.
Pet skirts, because nothing is more embarassing to a pet than having humans see their legs.
Kids, never pierce your nipple on a bet.
Paka (internal): Oh yeah, I always get to sit with the honeys. This 'touch-me' shirt works wonders. Thank you polyester!