September 2002
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July 2003
You know what they say: you can lead a frog to a kite festival, but you can't make him fly.
The life of an inflatable frog is a tough one. First, you're gutted and thick cables are tied to you face. Then wind sheer robs you of your genitals. Boy, it just wasn't his day.
"I command you, rise my pet! Rise up and smite my enemies!!"
Father: And if you don't eat your vegetables, we'll sell you to the vikings up there. And they'll make sure you eat the broccoli. Without cheese!
While it may appear that Naomi is hugging Jess, she is actually protecting her from a crazy kite terrorist that was trying to attach string to young ladies' underpants in an attempt to "fly them high".
Little girl (internal): Uh oh, here comes mommy. She said daddy couldn't buy me any cotton candy. I better hide it somewhere mommy would never look. Oh, I know!
A woman nearby was saturating the area with ginormous bubbles. I barely escaped her barrage.
This is the bubble lady. Clearly, she is a threat to all peace loving kite enthusiasts. And I'm not too sure about the motivations of 'thumb-sucking kid' or 'lakers fan doing stretches for no reason' either.
The rainbow kite was happy. It had just kicked the shit out of a confederate flag kite. And yes, that is a pair of legs flying in the bottom of the screen.
Seconds before this picture was taken, all the kites were huddled together, whispering. I'm onto you kites.
This vortex like kite was so impressive that birds couldn't escape it's gravitational pull. But we were on the ocean so it only swallowed seagulls. No big loss.
Mother: That's great Sam! (internal) That kite line is as limp as their father.
Vortex kite: First her kite. Then...lunch.
We couldn't decide if this was a spirograph-like kite or someone's unraveling thong underwear.
(Part 1 of 4) The sky was a flurry of peaceful activity.