Vortex kite: First her kite. Then...lunch.
"Ok, now I'm supposed to tie this end to my tooth?"
We couldn't decide if this was a spirograph-like kite or someone's unraveling thong underwear.
I'd call it child endangerment if the baby hadn't been throwing up the 'hang ten' hand signal moments earlier.
Father: And if you don't eat your vegetables, we'll sell you to the vikings up there. And they'll make sure you eat the broccoli. Without cheese!
Stewart liked to have easy access to his equipment. That's why he wore longjohns with a flap up front everywhere he went.
A better shot of the carnivorous kite/windsock.
There was a slight traffic jam in front of us when two babies in strollers started to throw diapers at each other. Police are investigating the cause of the disagreement.
That's right kid, run from the vortex. Soon your short little legs won't even be able to touch the ground. And then we'll see who will win the day. Muhahahahahahaha.
This vortex like kite was so impressive that birds couldn't escape it's gravitational pull. But we were on the ocean so it only swallowed seagulls. No big loss.
The wind was so fierce that it temporarily revealed the outline of two naked figures in a tent. Or one really limber figure.
(Part 4 of 4) Sean tried to play it off, but we knew, deep down, he'd carry a knife with him to every kite festival from now on.
(Part 3 of 4) Now Sean was afraid of the friendly skies. He would tense up when a strong breeze would whistle through his hair. He even began to imagine tiny kites circling around his head. What a silly notion.
(Part 1 of 4) The sky was a flurry of peaceful activity.
(Part 2 of 4) A divebombing kite disrupted Sean's peaceful day, almost scaring religion into him. (note: this wasn't staged)