July 2003
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December 2003
Eating Mexican food was serious business, and Andy was up to the task.
Andria's impersonation of a pony on meth was dead on. Not that she's ever fed drugs to a pony before. No. That'd be wrong.
This new aliens species, deciding to be a bit more civilized, digs out from inside your stomach with a spoon instead of their teeth and claws.
Kid: ..but mom, I already shaved earlier today!
After promising Shasta he wouldn't eat anything sweet, Paka tried to play off the churros as "salty tortilla sticks".
The band.
Their one groupie.
These are confetti eggs smashed against your friend's head. Any questions?
These are confetti eggs.
It turns out that, much like chickens, eggs cannot fly, no matter how hard you throw them upwards.
Paka: Yeah doc, my friend just swallowed another confetti egg. Can I put you on with her so you can tell her they aren't edible?
The confetti egg business seemed innocent enough; until we noticed the phrase 'You have the ebola virus! Go to your egg vendor for the cure.' written on each tiny piece of confetti.
Alex: 8-ball, corner pocket. Cue ball, side pocket. Wow, this makes me want to play some pocket pool, if you know what i mean. Eh, eh?!
Alex: Oh, was that my hand? Sorry. I thought I was pinching my own ass. You understand.
Jen was used to Alex's antics, but the full body checking he was administering to each bar patron may be taken the wrong way by some.