Steve Jobs: ..and do you know why this is the best tv ad of all time? Bouncing breasts and short shorts. Woz wanted someone in sweats and an Apple hat, but after an hour or two of chinese water torture, he saw it my way.
In line for the keynote. The expo was briefly put on 'orange alert' when someone in line was spotted with an HP laptop. After an hour of finger wagging and platform shaming, we finally got to enter the building.
Jobs likes showing this slide at every Macworld to remind himself that, at one time, even Bill Gates couldn't afford good clothes or a decent haircut.
This guy had a lot of buttons on his shirt. I, apparently, had a lot of those novelty chattering teeth in my pocket when I took this shot.
"Rabid dogs and their effects on children" - my first iMovie.
Steve: This thing said 'goodbye' to the competition. Hahaha. Get it? It says 'hello' on the screen, and the opposite of...nevermind. Looks like my joke writer will lose another finger today.
Steve Jobs, the aqua-messiah.
John Mayer, who showed up to demo Apple's new GarageBand software, punched his palm under his keyboard everytime Jobs mentioned Jack Johnson. Which, surprisingly, was several times a minute.
This is what we affectionately called the herd. Cattle, not being known for their smarts, are prone to accidents. For example, the grey-haired gentleman in the lower left corner just swallowed his own tongue.