December 2003
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March 2004
JohnMark went on to drink the contents of his maracas and shake his beer like a polaroid picture.
Melissa (internal): If he tells another joke about getting lei'd, he's not going to get lei'd again for a very long time.
Randy: ..and I pulled my zipper up just in the nick of time. Man, I must be drunk. I've never told anyone about that before. Guy: What?? I can't hear you.
No one had the heart to tell him that all the girl on girl action was directly behind him. We're kinda jerks like that.
As Mariah explained the intricate workings of the spleen, JohnMark tried think of the smoothest way to work in a good lei joke.
Gabe proves once again that no one expects the Spanish their wedding.
Richard's primal yell would have been more exciting if he hadn't of coughed up live weasels in the process.
Napkins on the head - because you never know when dessert may be served.
Jess (thru her teeth): We're going to take an entire case of beer up to the room after this, aren't we? Melissa: You bet your ass we are.
In line for the keynote. The expo was briefly put on 'orange alert' when someone in line was spotted with an HP laptop. After an hour of finger wagging and platform shaming, we finally got to enter the building.
G5 trashcans - now with Altivec odor-fighting power.
This is what we affectionately called the herd. Cattle, not being known for their smarts, are prone to accidents. For example, the grey-haired gentleman in the lower left corner just swallowed his own tongue.
The impromptu auditions for new iPod ads by audience members can be described in a single word: ahhhhhhhhhhh!
This guy had a lot of buttons on his shirt. I, apparently, had a lot of those novelty chattering teeth in my pocket when I took this shot.
Steve Jobs, the aqua-messiah.