Paka: Hey Lora? You may want to delete some pictures from the camera. While I may be a bit tipsy, I'm pretty sure I didn't snap any shots of Billy dressed in a skintight batman outfit.
Wes' obsession with Bea Arthur took a turn for the worse when he whipped out his Golden Girls fan fiction.
Wes: So you see, I've proven, using math, why pilots get all the women. Now, if you want, I can prove, using taxidermy, why breasts implants are a godsend.
Sean (internal): It rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again. It puts the lotion in the basket. Sean, don't you dare put the lotion in that basket of flowers.
Billy loved a good 'dead baby' joke.
Billy: Lora, honey. It's called auto-erotic asphyxiation. You're ruining it!