Exit - Sprinters Only
Paka swatted at his demons. But they wanted tequila, and no amount of arm waving was going to stop them.
The winery keeps the basement flooded with a red light, just in case a rave breaks out.
Tip to kidnappers: fill your dark basements with barrels of wine. We'll follow you in, every time.
Oh yeah, we're so getting drunk in the middle of the day.
The barrels seemed to go on forever and we hadn't started drinking yet. This was a bad sign.
A giant flag adorned the center of the town. In case, you know, you forgot what country you were in when everyone around you is speaking Spanish.
Lora had just realized where she would hide Billy's body at the end of this trip. Oh, he's looking this way. Happy face, happy face!
The barefoot woman and her rowdy boyfriend (not shown) disrupted two of the piano shows. Some well placed thumbtacks and grease on the dance floor, however, helped persuade them to leave.
Ryan Seacrest once again ruins an attempt to photograph some dirty dancing.
Billy accidentally swallowed the straw along with the olives. This made for a few minutes of ineffective heimlich maneuvers, and twenty minutes of a pretty cool whistling noise from Billy's mouth.
Part of the nighttime entertainment involved piano players and rectal thermometers. We didn't stay long.
Dorothy tried to control her rage as the children at the table behind her chanted "Bloody mary, bloody mary, splashed her dress and now she's Carrie!"
Cruiselines - Where nipple guard designs go to die.
Billy: You hear this Paka? That's the world smallest violin. And..oh, you really do need to stabilize your blood sugar? Shit, I'm sorry, I'll get you a snickers.