"Big sis is gonna pay for beating me at Gran Turismo. Oh yes, she is gonna pay."
TiVo: Trics, don't ever leave me.
Happiness was in the air. And in the apple juice mommy slipped her daughter to get her to quiet down.
Hooray! Paper mache dinosaurs!
William thought he was safe out here in the open, but his paper allergy was really starting to kick in.
Meth is a huge problem in the doe community.
Jen doesn't know about wolverines, but this confetti stuff sure is delicious.
Alex: This is the Alex Express, now taking passengers to the ocean, the snack table, and, if you're good, to a secluded park bench.
Life can come at you pretty fast in the forest. Especially after you've been ejected from the car going 40mph.
Paka, reviewing the pictures on his camera, could have sworn he hadn't thrown a risque pajama party recently. But the pictures told a much different story.
Sean: So, you're only half zombie on your father's side, I see. I guess that's alright then. I won't bash in your skull. But would you mind terribly if I shoved you down a flight of stairs? I have a reputation to keep, you understand.
Sean, Madeline and Brett; proud of their ragged wardrobe.
The handy location text in the bottom of the screen was put in place after 48 hungover people thought they were in line for a Green Day concert last year.
Steve had everything he needed: extra paintballs, pain medication, water, and the 20lbs of hashish he was the mule for later in the day.
Kid: Hurry it up woman! I've got places to be and we can't be held up by every Tom, Dick or Jane that you want to trade cookie recipes with.