Wes liked to show off how large he was by jumping into the driver's seat of other people's cars. He was easily amused.
Apple has developed Safari: an application that shows you which way is due north, and how to use that to find the door to your house and get outside for some fresh air away from the sweet sweet internet.
Shasta channeled the power of the candles thru her body. In the coming minutes she would throw them, one by one, at her enemies. Her enemies, for their part, would pick wax off their clothes and continue whatever they were doing.
Bartender, I'll have whatever Avery just had. Scratch that, I'll have half the amount she had. Just to be safe.
Alex, having run out of petals to place at Jen's feet as she walked, used New Castle coasters instead.
Alex played with no emotion whatsoever. This allowed him to focus completely on basketball. And once he figured out that the ball doesn't bounce well on grass, he'd be well on his way to greatness.
Andria: Come to Hawaii, where the weather is great, the people are nice, and the food is...um...made from coconuts?
Each and every year, Shasta wrapped herself up as a present on her own birthday. We weren't sure why, but it gave us the opportunity to make a lot of "unwrapping" jokes, so we weren't about to complain.
Lora: Is Alex supposed to have the pig on his head? Billy: I don't think he's supposed to have those pineapple slices around his penis either, but that doesn't seem to have stopped him.
Billy got this uneasy feeling that Lora just drank his cup of quarters that he was going to use for laundry next week. At least he could say his girlfriend paid out over the next couple of days.
2001 (SB - Inspiration Point) Steve liked to adjust his hat upon accomplishing something grand.
Sisterly love.
While the overall result was impressive, this man spent way too much time trying to hide Waldo in the bushes of the villa in the background.
Whenever you'd ask this fellow a question, he'd put his ear up to the horn, pucker up his face, say "ehh?!" and then emit a high pitched laugh. He kept doing this until someone in the crowd used a boat horn inches from his head. It seems it is much harder to laugh with blood gushing from where your eardrums used to be.
The lighthouse at the beginning of it's workday; soon to shine light on the debauchery of sailors passing nearby.