Cool scoring chance part 1 - the approach
Thrusting, Johnny knew this was his only chance to do this, and he was going to savor it.
Marcus - A rugby thug, carrying an american football, wearing an 80's wristband. Costume confusion finds a new king.
Sean realizes he's not in Kansas anymore. Or ever before actually. He's not big on geography.
Everyone laughed at the miniature pirates until they proved that they were the perfect height for groin stabbing.
Jess (thru her teeth): We're going to take an entire case of beer up to the room after this, aren't we? Melissa: You bet your ass we are.
Lora gives us her Hollywood look just before snapping at Billy to bring her a bowl full of red skittles and the charcoal-filtered blood of a virgin woman in a martini glass.
[Indiana] Welcome to Indiana. Good luck finding your way out.
When you can't get breasts on your hood the old fashioned way; convincing your drunk girlfriend that doing it on your car will add excitement to your relationship, Alpine will be more than happy to provide you with some punk rock cleavage to simply paste on.
Sally: Nipples and gold chains and seaweed! It's like an Aquaman rap video!
Billy (internal): Holy shit, I've forgotten my name. Ok, don't panic. I'll just sit here, staring at nothing in particular until someone calls my name. Oops! I've been staring at someone's breasts. Now they're going to call me a "dirty boy" and I'll never know who I really am. This is so depressing.
Shasta felt a rush of wind at her back. When she checked her pockets, her chapstick was gone. El Lippo strikes again!
Jess knew that Oakland was a rough town, but she didn't expect the birds to flash gang signs.
Everyone's favorite italian plumbers put in an appearance.
Jeff's dramatic falling goal. Naked goalie didn't have a chance.