December 2005
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April 2006
Guy (internal): Gorgeous flight attendants? Shit, why'd I have to take the train?!
Exhibitor: Sure, these could easily fit 4 human heads. Why do you ask?
Whenever Frank needs to break the ice while selling his server vaults, he tells the customer how well it quiets down even the noisiest servers or the odd whining child. They never fail to laugh at his little "joke."
The iPod nano cases reminded Darlene of her ex-boyfriend: small, rubbery, and no matter how lovingly she caressed it, it never got harder.
Apple employees love sending the goatse image to one another on the showroom floor.
How's this for meta.
The new MacBook Pro taken for a ride. It went thru the usual paces: photoshopping a movie poster, web browsing for mac news, and using photobooth to alter pictures of your genitals.
A jacket guaranteed to get you action on the showroom floor. And nowhere else.
After fending off wave after wave of people who thought their program was used to erase the memories of minors, the programmers were starting to doubt their faith in the goodness of humanity.
Diddy Worthington didn't quite understand why his brand had instant street cred, but his bank account wasn't complaining.
When you can't get breasts on your hood the old fashioned way; convincing your drunk girlfriend that doing it on your car will add excitement to your relationship, Alpine will be more than happy to provide you with some punk rock cleavage to simply paste on.
The cuteness factor of this shot of kids in a wheelbarrow wore off quickly when it was revealed they were being carted off to a reeducation camp as punishment for commingling their recycling.
You know you want to touch it. You want to touch them all.
We all learned a valuable lesson that day about Phil Schiller, a bottle of whiskey, and 5 baby chickens.
Macworld massages - where mentioning a dual core processor will assure your customer a happy ending.