There was a joke here about "How many men wearing monkey shirts does it take to change a lightbulb?" but we chose not to use it.
Shasta knew her days as the pink power ranger were long over, but she couldn't help but feel nostalgic with all these costumed folk running around.
Andy's new chips were a highlight of the evening. They were caressed to the point where several people had to ask Andy if his wife minded.
Flashing back to his former career as a cattle rancher, Richard had the sudden urge to shoot his fellow attendees between the eyes with a high powered hydraulic gun.
Pip: What? Doesn't your umbrella match your underwear?
Skipping rope was Katy's one true love. Well, and tearing the wings off of butterflies. But that one was less well publicized.
Oh yeah, that's the stuff. No no, just sit there and look pretty.
The telephoto lens at the poker table - always inconspicuous.
Sal and Ted hadn't spoken in real life in almost 3 months. Their game characters, however, were married with three kids and an orc. It was Sal's best relationship yet.
"Ice cold lemonade! Ice cold water! If you don't buy anything I'll probably die of heatstroke. Or skin cancer. Or like....exposure. C'mon people, spare a dollar!"
I gave Shasta $5 to eat this chip. I told her she could smother it in salsa. I'm nice like that.
Couples therapy - $400 an hour. iPod with headphone splitter - $350 Macworld pass - $200 Being caught listening to The Mysteries of the G-Spot at a geek conference: Priceless
Eric: I know this is Earth Day and all, and we're supposed to be bonding with our fellow humans, but do I have to play patty cake with everyone in the crowd?
"Now shake your wings for your father. I'll send this picture along with my request for this month's alimony. It'll drive him nuts."
"You see, the chips, they come together in perfect harmony. A shuffle is like making love. Only with many partners, combining at once." "Can you please stop talking now?"