Monks on the prowl.
Even fairies have their stashes.
The giant ballet was also in town that weekend. Here's a tip: if the blue ballerina says she's a butterfly, don't argue with her.
Steve: ...and that, young sir, is how babies are made. Why? Shouldn't you have heard this all by now? Wait...you weren't taking pictures of me doing those..um..hand gestures were you?
This is Shasta. She has a camera, sunglasses, and a black & white shirt. You make your own joke, I'm tired.
Jess (internal): Such a beautiful sunset. Look at the colors. Wow. I wonder if I left the oven on. Wait, I don't have an oven in my apartment. Guess I couldn't have burnt any cookies. Mmmmm, cookies.
Not part of the act, it turns out Randy was just really fed up with Joe's shit.
2001 (SB - Inspiration Point) Standing on rocks...it's what the kids are doing these days. Catch the fever!
Apparently this man is the godfather of Carrillo. I think I saw him stroking a cat, but he might just have been cutting up some meatloaf. I can't be sure.
The older mariachi was being paid by the hour, and these young-uns were walking way too fast for him to be able to afford that adult-sized guitar he'd been eyeing.
Nicole thought that she could dodge the camera by closing her eyes really tight
These deranged gingerbread men are part of Chicago's Apple Store's child deterrent system.
On each flag was written the hopes and dreams of an orphan child from a third world country. It's a shame we had to recycle them all. The flags, not the children. We're not monsters.
While the older kids reveled in their superiority, little Becky stayed strong with the knowledge that confetti would wash out of her hair, but bites from a snapping turtle hidden in certain girls' beds would last a lifetime.
Families turned out for a nice bit of rotting whale corpse theater.