Inside the teapot was a woman swinging bolos while wearing a hat made of a discarded chandelier. I have nothing more to add.
I bet Steve (bridge, center screen) he couldn't jump off the bridge and land on the Charmin cargo container passing below. We were about to see who would be the lucky recipient of a crisp new $5 bill.
Bird in flight.
Lora doesn't know what she'd do without Billy. For example: she doesn't know how else she would have gotten a baby seal jacket made so quickly for her. Billy was an animal, those seals never saw the club that hit them.
For once, someone besides Wes had blue balls.
Sean needed to be in constant communication with his network of spies.
David's expression often said "I'm up to no good." But it was all an act. He was actually thinking about feeding the homeless. Yeah, weird huh.
(30 second exposure) Levels adjusted in Photoshop.
(displaying the byproduct of his new Gigantor Ray) Steve: You should see this thing's appetite! Oooh boy, nothing perks you up in the morning like a 80ft tall man biting off the limbs of your neighbor's trumpet playing live-in mother-in-law.
Andria, not a fan of lasagna, contemplated sticking her head in the oven until someone told her we had garlic bread as well.
"It's good to be the king."
Andy watched in horror as Dorothy swallowed the last piece of steak. Steve had promised that to him not ten minutes ago. He shot Steve one last look before the waterworks began.
Alex liked to name every tree when he went somewhere new. His current tree of interest - Furry the fir.
Fresh out of beachballs, Sean decided to flick boogers.
Billy & Alex: Separated at birth....by hundrends of miles....and different parents....and different names.