They had massage table areas through-out the expo floor. This specific area specialized in dislocating your shoulder as well. Hey, people are into some crazy stuff. Who am I to judge.
I tried to ask this guy for a comment about the expo, but he had grown so irate with people tossing 'blue balls' jokes his way, that he screamed "I got some 10 minutes ago! You people want proof?!" and stormed off.
Chad and Jess debate what the best way is to descend into the giant gorge inhabited by cannibalistic subhumans.
Sean, having traded his left ear for his freedom, climbs to safety out of the gorge.
Montanan (MacNN) smiles big for the camera. He would later entrust to me that he was a bit scared, not because of the camera, but because I was eating what appeared to be ground up worms in a head of lettuce.
"The cannibalistic subhumans left a rope! How fortuitous!"
This is a shot of the keyboard that Apple is now selling to go along with GarageBand. They guarantee at least 3 groupies within a year.
A bathroom with a window above the toilet. Now god can see when you don't replace the roll.
Jess: Just in case you didn't see my shoe blinkers, we're turning left up here.
Presenter: So...who here wants the Adobe colonic? I swear, it's better than photoshop 4!
Apparently 'bowling for aquafina' isn't recognized as an official game of MacWorld. Go figure.
Kid: Grandpa, grandpa. Can we go toilet paper the Quark booth again? Pleeeeze?!
The tunnel of despair. Or ecstasy. I tried not to go too far in, just in case.
This is a banana slug. Tasted more like a pear though.
Presenter: You too can lose weight! Sure, you'll go bald. Sure, your wife will leave you. Sure, your penis will turn colors. But c'mon people; thin is in!