The Isla Vista Earth Day celebration. Bands, beer, hula hoops, and love at half off (they were fresh out of the free variety).
Eric coming back from putting the smack down on a NY fan. It was the day to love the earth. No one said anything about loving the Yankees. Especially not to a Boston fan.
On each flag was written the hopes and dreams of an orphan child from a third world country. It's a shame we had to recycle them all. The flags, not the children. We're not monsters.
Pip: What? Doesn't your umbrella match your underwear?
Chausse has no idea what this thing does. But he sure does like to turn knobs.
Woman: Hey, we've been sitting here for three hours staring at an empty stage. I hope something happens soon. You're sleeping behind those glasses, aren't you? Terrific, just terrific.
Logan shows us his guns. Or he's trying to stop bullets with his invisible Wonder Woman bracelets. Either or.
Eric: I know this is Earth Day and all, and we're supposed to be bonding with our fellow humans, but do I have to play patty cake with everyone in the crowd?
Chausse's epic retelling of the story of Little Bunny Fufu was always a hit with the ladies.
Guy: Oh man, I've been jazzed to my fuckin' core! Anyone want some kettle chips?
Most people that attended the celebration arrived via bike, foot, or hemp-powered pogo stick.
Oh right, Earth Day. Almost forgot.
Brian enjoys long walks in the park, listening to his iPod, and writing Beatles Communist Revolutionary Erotic Fan Fiction.
Silent Wei rocks the park with their jazz fusion. So I guess they "jazzed" the park. "Fused" it?
Logan is happiest when he's watching two dogs sniff each other. Why, we don't know.
Danger - Keep Off musicians. Except you over there in the skirt. How you doin'?