A crazy parade up State Street to welcome Summer to the neighborhood.
While the older kids reveled in their superiority, little Becky stayed strong with the knowledge that confetti would wash out of her hair, but bites from a snapping turtle hidden in certain girls' beds would last a lifetime.
Girl: Daddy daddy! That doggy found your bootoof headthing. Look, he's cleaning it with his tongue for you. Nice doggy!
"Ice cold lemonade! Ice cold water! If you don't buy anything I'll probably die of heatstroke. Or skin cancer. Or like....exposure. C'mon people, spare a dollar!"
"Now shake your wings for your father. I'll send this picture along with my request for this month's alimony. It'll drive him nuts."
Deep down, Sparkles knew the confetti wasn't "child seasoning", but a part of him imagined it anyway.
The skateboard posse arrives on the scene.
Alice dressed up like this, not so much because she loved being creative, but because she really fucking hates peacocks.
Shasta knew her days as the pink power ranger were long over, but she couldn't help but feel nostalgic with all these costumed folk running around.
You can't stop the sacking.
Skipping rope was Katy's one true love. Well, and tearing the wings off of butterflies. But that one was less well publicized.
The parade was over, but this woman's chest aquarium kept on moving. It mesmerized us.
"It's ok mom, I'm sure that kid didn't mean it when he said your hat looked like what happens to gay angels when they retire. How does he know what retired things look like, he was only 8!"
Second woman from left: Seriously, seriously. I'm wearing all this pink stuff for my husband tonight. He's always had a secret flamingo fetish. Oh my god, don't tell him I told you that!
Viking jokesters, however, are liable to let one loose at the expense of rowers in the back.
The market for white teenage unicycling Michael Jackson/Hanson impersonators just isn't what it used to be.