Pacific Beach United Methodist Church was bringing the exotic trees, flowers and wildlife of the beach to the desolate valley that is San Diego. How thoughtful of them.
It's true that we all deserve the freedom to marry, but why direct it only at people named Lawrence? Seems a bit exclusive to me. I mean, there couldn't have been more than 10-15 Lawrences in the whole parade crowd.
'Mr.Butch 2003' wasn't the toughest guy in town, but he was thankful he didn't have to wear wings made of belly lint like the others.
Vortex kite: First her kite. Then...lunch.
Pilgrims and gays go way back. Everyone knows about Plymouth's rock hard abs and tight buns.
This is the bubble lady. Clearly, she is a threat to all peace loving kite enthusiasts. And I'm not too sure about the motivations of 'thumb-sucking kid' or 'lakers fan doing stretches for no reason' either.
They hold hands, not because they love one another, but because the third balloon-holder, Louis, lied about his weight to the helium people and they weren't taking any chances.
"Ok, now I'm supposed to tie this end to my tooth?"
After half an hour of covering themselves in honey, it should have come as no surprise that an army of killer bees had made their way to the parade from Mexico. The woman in the yellow boa, for one, welcomed her new striped overlords.
I'd call it child endangerment if the baby hadn't been throwing up the 'hang ten' hand signal moments earlier.
Stewart liked to have easy access to his equipment. That's why he wore longjohns with a flap up front everywhere he went.
I just want to make it clear that this man does not, in any sense, represent the rollerblading community and its standards.
Father: And if you don't eat your vegetables, we'll sell you to the vikings up there. And they'll make sure you eat the broccoli. Without cheese!
Oppression is a shark wearing a smock. Ok....whatever.
There was a slight traffic jam in front of us when two babies in strollers started to throw diapers at each other. Police are investigating the cause of the disagreement.