The dance routine was good. But when your costume is made of live rabbits, not everything goes as planned.
I considered cropping off the E in Walden so that I could make some crack about 'Waldo's Family Service' finding places for foster kids. But I determined that that would be in insensitive thing to say. So, where were we?
A gay posse to make you drink fruity flavored alcoholic beverages. Apparently the word 'posse' has lost all of its fear inducing power.
One man's quick review of tight leather shorts with a zipper in the front.
"Ok, now I'm supposed to tie this end to my tooth?"
(Part 2 of 4) A divebombing kite disrupted Sean's peaceful day, almost scaring religion into him. (note: this wasn't staged)
The wind was so fierce that it temporarily revealed the outline of two naked figures in a tent. Or one really limber figure.
There was a slight traffic jam in front of us when two babies in strollers started to throw diapers at each other. Police are investigating the cause of the disagreement.
Stewart liked to have easy access to his equipment. That's why he wore longjohns with a flap up front everywhere he went.
The Roman empire never fell, it was just busy at the gym.
Unitarian Universalist: we believe in everything. Especially boredom.
(Part 3 of 4) Now Sean was afraid of the friendly skies. He would tense up when a strong breeze would whistle through his hair. He even began to imagine tiny kites circling around his head. What a silly notion.
I have a few questions.
"You want me to wrap a rainbow boa around that? Well, ok, but it'll cost ya extra."
The patriotism was bulging at the seems during this parade.