Having had enough of dive bars, we headed out to the next logical place for our fiesta filled evening: the bowling alley.
Paka (internal): Oh yeah, I always get to sit with the honeys. This 'touch-me' shirt works wonders. Thank you polyester!
Alex's offer of marriage to the bouncer was soundly rejected when his 'engagement egg' was unceremoniously smashed on his head.
Andria: Here is a flower, the symbol of love, of peace, of...wait! This thing is fake! This is a symbol of how cheap that mariachi band was. And they had my love *sniff*.
Kids, never pierce your nipple on a bet.
Alex has showing random strangers hand games from elementary school. You know, in case they skipped that part of life and went straight on to college.
Paka (internal): It's good to still be the king.
This gesture somehow evoked Bon Jovi, or summoned Lucifer, or something. Whatever it was, I think Alex held on to that guy's hand just a few seconds too long.