Sean would stand there for minutes at a time after bowling. Sometimes he would throw his shoe at any pins left standing. Sometimes he'd blow at them. And sometimes, just sometimes, he'd sit his crazy ass down.
Alex: It hurts so good!
Surprises from behind make everyone happy.
Having never held a girl's hand before, Alex was fit to burst. He excused himself to the restroom moments later.
I congratulated Wes on the turkey, but he didn't know that was a bowling term and pouted about how mean I was the rest of the night.
Christy practiced her "evil genius" gestures 4 hours a day.
The Breast Holding Society has its first meeting of the year.
Paka would soon learn the hard way that licking your bowling ball ala 'The Big Lebowski' is not such a tasty idea.
We ate at Carrows afterwards; where clean silverware is an extra $3.50.
Wes (drunk): I love you man! No really, I do. Hey man, how many times do I have to touch you 'down there' before you believe me?!
Christy: You suck at bowling, life, and everything you will ever do in your short time on this miserable planet! {more quietly} I think we should make that into our team cheer.
While Lora and Ado were looking at the camera, Wes was checking out their shoes. Oh yeah, those sexy sexy shoes.
Mike: This guy over here thinks he can pick up that spare. Ha! I will pick up my spare, knock down his pins with my mind, and sleep with his girl. This is how powerful I am.
Alex: I like em baggie. Besides, if I wore tighter jeans then you'd be able to see my personal bowling pin.
Bowling makes Christine happy. Or the pills. One of them. Anyway, she was smiling.