Is it just me or does Lora look way too professional and proper to be out on the ice?
Steve & the moon, separated at birth. No really, he was born in space.
The hotel really is a whole other universe. We hit the universe a couple times on the side and jiggled the rabbit ears and everything was back to normal.
Lora helped herself to some doritos. Shasta helped herself to a hotel painting.
The joke here is that one member of our group bought a brand of wine that shares the same name as another member (Lambert). This photo is here for historical purposes only. And because we're classy and drink with the paper bag still on.
"So, did you guys have naked roomkeeping too? Wow, that was wild."
Alex ate the apple with the passion of a man in love. He didn't care what the other fruit thought.
Christine: I don't know what I did at that club, but I woke up with a stick of PC100 RAM on my pillow and a laser printed thank you note. Did I make out with a Gateway or something last night?
Only later did we realize putting itching powder down the driver's shirt was a terrible idea.
No transportation, and low on money, Chris and Wes decided male prostitution was their only recourse.
Alex: Ahh....I love that old hat smell.
I'm not quite sure if Christine is asleep here or struggling to keep the demons from taking over her head.
While traveling down the freeway at a high speed, a bird committed suicide by ramming itself into Andy's antenna and side mirror. Besides the obvious sadness due to lost radio reception, we were also disturbed by the lack of vehicular education in bird schools nowadays.
Randall: Hehe...hehe....that bird bit it. Christy: Mhhhha...heheh...busted antenna funny. Randall: My finger smells like gasoline. hehehehe Christy: hehehehe...cool.