Pictures of high school antics rescued from the vaults of an ancient pharaoh.
Aulaiwon: Don't look now, but Little Bo-Peep is looking over your shoulder. I don't think she's dangerous, but she's starting to creep me out.
Apparently people went to Europe at some point. That, or an amazingly tall paper mache reconstruction.
Gina was on trial defending a woman's right to sit any way she damn well pleased.
Flapper Fridays just hasn't been the same since it went mainstream.
His arm tired from furious self love, Rikus required assistance holding his protest sign.
Gina didn't think giving a 3 hour monologue to the wall was a proper punishment for talking during class, but teacher knows best, right.
Joe: This pizza....tastes funny. Erin, don't you think this tastes weird? Erin? Mr.Boyle, why is Erin chanting in tongues and floating 4 inches off the ground?
Liz: Jill, do you deny pinning more ribbons to your uniform in an attempt to outrank me? Be honest!
As Jen explained to Erin what a "donkey punch" was, Joe grew more and more uncomfortable.
Justin (internal): That's right baby, bend down to pick up that notebook I "dropped." Oh yeah.
Moments too late, Joe notices the distinctive smell of sleeping gas permeating the classroom.
Sara: So you see, the Snorks couldn't possibly have come before the Smurfs. Angie: You're not helping.
Jennifer was so hypnotized by the way Sean shuffled the index cards in his hands nervously before each sentence, that she neglected to notice his entire speech was about the geopolitical struggle of the Gummi Bears.
Our lone Mock Trial picture. The rest of the evidence was shredded.
Proving that wearing the wrong prescription glasses is a dangerous thing; Jon thinks he's at the airport again.