Our lone Mock Trial picture. The rest of the evidence was shredded.
Backing up his longtime claim; Joe shows everyone that his piece is indeed black.
Justin (internal): That's right baby, bend down to pick up that notebook I "dropped." Oh yeah.
Rachel was told to smile or the puppy would get it. So smile she did.
Nicole: Do you deny that you were... Rachel: That's a nice skirt. Nicole: What? Oh, thanks, it's...wait. You're distracting me! Rachel: That vest really brings out the color of your eyes. Nicole: Judge! I object to this complimenting! Liz: Hmm. I'm going to allow it.
Who knows what secrets lurk in the pockets of flappers? Jeff knows!
Gabi: Pssh! Sean. Sean! What did you get for #40? Just write it on your tie and send it over. It'll reach.
Sean hiked his pants as high as they would go before his voice started to change an octave.
Bored with classwork, Gina and Liz copy down the saucy portions of the New Testament.
Lt. Charlotte won one medal for saving a village from a napalm attack. The other for destroying all evidence that one Gomer Pile accidentally ordered the attack while trying to send out for pizza. Discretion is, after all, the better part of valor.
While the donut was only a prop, it called out to her. The sprinkles mocked her; shining in six brilliant colors. So sugary, so light, so in need of being devoured.
Aulaiwon: Don't look now, but Little Bo-Peep is looking over your shoulder. I don't think she's dangerous, but she's starting to creep me out.
Moments too late, Joe notices the distinctive smell of sleeping gas permeating the classroom.
While Liz thought him a jock, the back of his hat read "=MC2"
Cassie's purple socks protected her from leprosy. What? I'm just repeating what she told me.