Pictures of high school antics rescued from the vaults of an ancient pharaoh.
Apparently people went to Europe at some point. That, or an amazingly tall paper mache reconstruction.
His arm tired from furious self love, Rikus required assistance holding his protest sign.
Gabi: Mr.Boyle, these mock trial practices would go a lot smoother if we weren't worrying about your wild pet mongoose biting our toes.
Justin (internal): That's right baby, bend down to pick up that notebook I "dropped." Oh yeah.
John-Mark: What? I happen to like this jacket. Screw you.
While the donut was only a prop, it called out to her. The sprinkles mocked her; shining in six brilliant colors. So sugary, so light, so in need of being devoured.
Jennifer was so hypnotized by the way Sean shuffled the index cards in his hands nervously before each sentence, that she neglected to notice his entire speech was about the geopolitical struggle of the Gummi Bears.
Nicole really shouldn't have had a handful of dried fruit for lunch.
Transfixed by Rikus' ability to tie a cherry stem with his tongue, Sara missed half the trial.
The only thing that kept Rachel from flying off into a murderous rage were bananas. She really loved those things. High in potassium you know.
Lt. Charlotte won one medal for saving a village from a napalm attack. The other for destroying all evidence that one Gomer Pile accidentally ordered the attack while trying to send out for pizza. Discretion is, after all, the better part of valor.
Gina didn't think giving a 3 hour monologue to the wall was a proper punishment for talking during class, but teacher knows best, right.
Sean hiked his pants as high as they would go before his voice started to change an octave.
Cassie's purple socks protected her from leprosy. What? I'm just repeating what she told me.
The usual suspects.