Portland, hiking, waterfalls, goonies, and kickball. What more can you ask for out of a state?
Flying to Portland, I notice water underneath and feel a great sadness that Pete, my rubber ducky, is not with me to share the moment.
Safely on the ground, the first thing I photographed was another camera. My metapowers are vast!
Madeline's bedroom window.
Her life is a constant game of cat and mouse with BB-gun snipers.
After several attempts to purchase a large bird for the sole purpose of eating this yellowjacket, I was resigned to the fact that we would be roommates.
Matt ponders fine art, politics, and whether or not his chapstick melted in his back pocket again.
Mike: Ca..Cap...Capitulate. It means to masturbate furiously with toothpaste. You're welcome.
And this was before the wine.
Madeline practices for the blind olympics. Next event: pedestrian slalom.
The Volkswagen corporation has my permission to use this in their ads. Provided they drive a Jetta full of cash into my driveway first. That is all.
Madeline (internal): Shit. I have Matt's chapstick in my pocket. Shit! It's melted. Wait, that smells like cherry. I love cherry.
Green is pretty.
There's nothing phallic about this picture.
We take a small detour to the Dagobah system.
Sean realizes he's not in Kansas anymore. Or ever before actually. He's not big on geography.
One of several trillion leaves in the forest. One day I hope to complete the set.