IMG 0086
Meet our adopted son - Nibbler.
IMG 0087
"Don't get fresh. I'll shoot ya dick off."
IMG 0090
"I don't know, you're the doctor! Why does it look like that?"
IMG 0091
Everyone takes "act mysterious" differently.
IMG 0093
"Are your hands in your pockets or are you just happy to see me?"
IMG 0094
The dance troupe only lasted 4 minutes before they were driven out of town by an angry mob of disappointed customers.
IMG 0100
"Wait, am I Santa or a Doctor? I gotta admit, I'm bad at roleplaying."
IMG 0108
....the Aristocrats!
IMG 0116
Big hair, don't care.
IMG 0124
The Hat Toss Squat Game. Popular with teens everywhere.
IMG 0129
Remember those old Ernest movies? This looks like "Ernest gets hit by a bus."
IMG 0135
Our trick or treat theme is teenage dirtbag.
IMG 0141
Amy appreciated that Ron was trying to do the math on when the bullet would come back down if he shot it. She didn't have the heart to tell him the gun wasn't loaded, it was a prop, and they were inside.
IMG 0143
We're dorks, but like, friendly dorks.
IMG 0147
Some people respond to "say cheese!". Ron likes to pretend each picture taken of him represents another way he can kick someone in the nuts.