Various Halloween parties (Oct 29-31, 2004)
Pictures by Sean & Madeline
Sean/Shaun had beaten a few political pollsters to death before he realized that fake blood would work just as well to decorate his cricket bat.
Never interrupt zombies in the middle of a feeding.
Gorbachev: In Soviet Russia, toilet throws up in you! Ha! Wait, where are you going?
Deformed Death, Patch the Pirate and Scuba Steve all took a well earned break from discussion of their alliteration costume club.
The Bride: If I told you once, I told you a thousand times: Never stick gum behind your ear, it'll just get tangled in your hair again.
After repeated attempts, Zombie Madeline gave up trying to find delicious brains thru that enormous afro.
Sean: So, you're only half zombie on your father's side, I see. I guess that's alright then. I won't bash in your skull. But would you mind terribly if I shoved you down a flight of stairs? I have a reputation to keep, you understand.
Madeline: Oh real funny guys! Who put calf brains in my vodka tonic?
Scuba Steve remembers the scene where she slices that guy's achilles tendon.
After half a dozen midori drinks, The Bride was more into finding out where that guy got his coconuts than slicing fools up.
Phil of Volta do Mar sings ballads about lost love, twenty-something angst, and erotic furry chatrooms.
Sean, having finally given in to the fact that zombies could coexist peacefully with us, still wasn't about to let one rest her head on his shoulder.
Just don't ask the Chef what is in the 'meat sauce'.
Drugs are bad kids.
Discovering that stockings make "package" adjustments extra tricky.