July 6, 2002. Tobin and Company get their groove on.
Billy: Don't feed me that bullshit Alex. C'mon, how much ya bench?
Tobin: Whipped cream with a candle. You guys shouldn't have!
Tobin: Ok, I'm smiling, you got it. Now let me blow out the other 22 candles that fell in my lap.
Alex has always been easily amused. And Billy's "detachable thumb" trick was the best damn thing he'd ever seen.
Jen: Down boy! Down! Bad little Alex!
Billy got this uneasy feeling that Lora just drank his cup of quarters that he was going to use for laundry next week. At least he could say his girlfriend paid out over the next couple of days.
Human dominoes!
Jen wasn't really choking, but oh how she enjoyed the heimlich maneuver....maybe a little too much.
Avery: If I owned this place, I'd tear down that wall, tear down that friggin' wall, put a slip n' slide over there...
Alex: Wow. So this is a full service bar!
To friends, longevity, and flocks of willing sheep. Cheers!
OK, one..two..squeeze!
Tobin: Ma tun ez tuck! A wiwwow hep peeas!
Downtown rule #1841-Don't drop the soap.
Billy's rendition of 'My Heart Will Go On' captivated Sean.
Nothing is more amusing that watching someone go up and down on a shotglass because it was "accidentally" glued to the table.